Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Taxi Driver by Julia Phillips and Michael Phillips Essay

Taxi Driver by Julia Phillips and Michael Phillips - Essay Example However, mise-en-scene techniques and slow moving camera shots soon reveal Travis’s point of view, positioning a subjective view of Travis’s world. The film uses camera movement and cinematography together with mise-en-scene at the outset to establish the tensions that build up to the violence. The film opens with the credits in the foreground of a taxi coming out of the steam of a street at night. A montage reveals rain beating against the taxi’s windshield. In the meantime, the yellow taxi is accented by rain and neon lights that bring it into sharp focus. Travis’s eyes can be seen moving from one image outside of the taxi to another as he travels Times Square and 42nd Street. The viewer sees what Travis sees: prostitutes, couples, and pornographic theatres visited by men. The camera alternates from the inside of the Taxi where Travis’s watchful eyes are moving and observing, to outside of the taxi to show the audience what Travis sees. These scen es are juxtaposed against a more tranquil, ordinary and inescapably artificial world. The camera takes the viewers to a campaign headquarters with red and white colours and signs and slogans that appear to be inconsistent with the world that Travis observes from his taxi. Travis sees the world as inherently diseased and is on a mission to root out violence, disease and decadence. He becomes infatuated with Betsy, a campaign worker played by Cybill Shepherd. Point of view via mise-en-scene is displayed through scenes in which Travis’s point of view and his disconnect and social isolation comes across. For example, in an attempt to connect with Betsy, Travis gets it right the first time when he has coffee with her. On his next date with Betsy, he takes her to a seedy, sexual film. Betsy is no doubt offended by this effort at connection. By taking this approach, the viewer is drawn into and observes the distorted mind of Travis at work. Camera movements and mise-en-scene functio n to highlight Travis’s distorted mind and subjective point of view. For example, the camera picks up views of New York City that demonstrate just how Travis sees the world around him. A camera shot from inside Travis’s taxi picks up drug addicts and prostitutes. This is the world that Travis sees and is distracted by. He does not see beyond these images and forms his opinion of the outside world accordingly. The camera, by showing a view outside the taxi that selects drug addicts and prostitutes takes the viewer into the disturbed mind of Travis. This is world that Travis sees and is fixated on. A world diseased and decaying and in need of cleansing. Mise-en-scene is also used to demonstrate contradictions. The camera depicts a seemingly ordinary man, dressed neatly and appearing to be respectful and naive. Yet, the camera follows and depicts Travis visiting seedy theatres and writing letters to his parents that reveal that Travis would like to live an ordinary life, but is trapped by his perceptions of a diseased world. In his letters to his parents, Travis unrealistically himself as a working man on the verge of marrying a respectable woman (Betsy) when it is well known by the time of writing, that Travis has been rejected by Betsy. Therefore, the underlying message is that there are contradictions between that which occurs in Travis’s mind and the world in which he actually lives. The contradictions are reaching a fever pitch and this is

Monday, October 28, 2019

Benefits Of Family-Friendly Policies Essay Example for Free

Benefits Of Family-Friendly Policies Essay The past few decades, families in Hong Kong faced in undergone major changes, intense pace of life and hard work always affected families’ features. How to balance family life and work have become a social policy, in order to establish a family-friendly community, have implemented various measures to help employees balance their work and family lives, promote family relationship. In this essay, first I will explain these policies how to help with all aspects of employee, and then analysis of these measures on the employment benefit. Finally, pointed out that Hong Kong Government and the enterprises on how to implement these policies. Family-friendly employment may implement different policies to meet the needs of employees. Including the introduction of given family leave benefits, such as marriage leave, paternity leave, parental leave, compassionate leave, special casual leave and special long leave, etc (GovHK, n.d.). This measure will be through the height of the working environment and working arrangements to facilitate employees in taking care of family needs, such as the five-day working week, flexible work time and family-based work, and so on. The other hand will provide support to families, including child care services, counselling services, child custody etc. A Research Report prepared by the Department of Applied Social Sciences of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University is named â€Å"Family-Friendly Workplace† noted that Most respondents agreed or strongly agreed with implementing â€Å"family-friendly† policies. (Poly U, 2002) Family-friendly policies can also bring much benefits to company. In a supportive working environment, staffs will feel they are valued and employer will gain the benefit. Firstly, employer can reduce staff turnover and retain potential employee. On the other hand, many people were convinced that employees working flexible hours were more productive than those working traditional hours. This measure in addition to motivate employees, increase productivity, but also improved reputation and corporate image, therefore there are many large enterprises are involved in the implementation of these measures. In view of this, government and enterprises were organized a variety of measures and activities promoting family-friendly policies. The booklet prepared by the Labour Departments album â€Å"Good people management Family-Friendly Employment Practices† (, n.d.). Through a variety of good measures taken by the employer, may learn to provide for all instances. Research on Family-friendly Employment Policies and Practices in Hong Kong from The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) and the Womens Commission (WoC) (EOC 2006). They hope that through this survey, a better understanding in Hong Kong, companies or institutions can help employees balance their work and family roles provides programme needs. A Family-Friendly Employers Award Scheme 2011 was organised by the Family Council. The award scheme aims to give recognition to employers who attach importance to the spirit of family-friendliness (, 2011). Through these activities, to undertake a study, to understand the profile of Hong Kong families, and building partnerships with Government, business and professional sectors, actively promote the industry cares family In this essay, I Have attempted to present suggest to implementation of family-friendly policies on families, or employers both have many favorable factors, together with the Hong Kong Government and the enterprises efforts, this measure would allow employers and employees there will be a win-win situation.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cheating in School Versus Cheating in the Real World :: Business

Cheating in School Versus Cheating in the Real World Cheating has been a major concern for institutions of higher learning. Institutions fear cheating because of the reputation dishonest people will establish for that institution. After a student has learned several successful ways to cheat and not be caught, is he or she more likely to employ the same tactics in his or her workplace? The student will use those tactics, but in the real world, such acts are not called â€Å"cheating tactics,† but â€Å"business strategy.† Several years ago, Clemson University was approached by a perspective employer. A business man visited the school and announced that the company wanted to hire some new staff members. In order to be more selective of the persons to get called in for interviews, the man announced an online exam that the students must take. Depending on the results, the company would then get in touch with the individuals. One student that is very interested considers his options. He could choose to take the exam using his real name and receive a performance grade based on his knowledge of the tough material the exam would ask. Or, his second option: use a false identity, get the questions, go out to reliable sources and ask for answers, and then post answers to the exam under his real name. The student opted for the second option. He got the test questions, went to professors, searched online, and found as many of the answers as he could. He posted his answers. Within a week, the company representative called the student in for an interview. The first statement out of the interviewer’s mouth: â€Å"No one has ever scored that high on our online test.† The next: â€Å"How did you do it?† The student’s response began with â€Å"honestly† and he unveiled his unique plan to succeed on the test. The interviewer was shocked – no one had ever admitted to cheating on the online test before. A job was offered.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Vonnegut social commentary in cats cradle Essays -- essays research pa

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Social Commentary in Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Kurt Vonnegut’s science fiction novel, Cat’s Cradle, is chocked full of social commentary, satirical humor, and an overall pessimistic view on American Society. Through the fictional religion Bokononism Vonnegut introduces us to John, a young man who is writing a book about the day the atomic bomb was dropped. His research led him to the late Dr. Felix Hoenikker, a brilliant scientist who was deemed the â€Å"father of the atomic bomb.† Anxious to learn more about Hoenikker from his surviving children, John followed them to the impecunious island of San Lorenzo. In San Lorenzo John was introduced to Bokononism, the dominant (yet illegal) religion of the island; which among its many bizarre features, openly proclaimed that it was a total lie. While on the island, John also learned more about Ice Nine, the final project that Hoenikker created. Ice Nine ( a simple rearrangement of water molecules) had the ability to freeze instantly any body of w ater, due to a complex crystalline formation. Although the ice was to be Hoenikker’s great gift to the military to freeze swamps during battle, so they could move troops more efficiently; it ended up being a creation more fatal than the atomic bomb itself. Subsequently John's adventures came to a harsh, if strangely appropriate end caused by the selfishness of human nature. The moral of the story, laced with deception, ignorance, self-indulgence, and control is that life is entirely worthless and fails to serve a purpose. Yet, the comic relief and vivacity of the novel gives it power and charm, curiously contrasted with its depressing meaning.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In the beginning of the novel, the reader is introduced to the deceased Felix Hoenikker, a man who was full of curiosity and had an uncanny regard for everything scientific. Not only was he the father of the atomic bomb, but shortly before his death he created the destructive Ice Nine. With the ability to freeze anything liquid it was essentially the end of the world, should it get into the wrong hands. Although the original intention of the water derived destructor was to help soldiers solidify swampy muck when fighting wars, so they could easily get through was... ...uous activities he took part in at Jack’s Hobby Shop. Throughout the book, Frank is described as a quiet loner, someone who was out of the social realms of normal teenage life. Frank said â€Å"...but they didn’t know what really went on there. They would have been really surprised, especially the girls-- in they’d found out what really went on. The girls didn’t think I knew anything about girls.† (201, Vonnegut). When John asked him what he really was doing there, Frank simply said, â€Å"I was screwing Jack’s wife all day.† (Vonnegut, 201). This was Vonnegut’s way of using satire and irony to show that people make skewed judgments on others based on nothing more than what they want to believe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In conclusion, Cat’s Cradle is a fabulously constructed book, filled with sarcasm, wit, irony, and satire to express Vonnegut’s personal views on Human Society. Although it ends with the destruction of the world from the lethal Ice Nine, the book is somewhat redeemed by its humorous anecdotes, and clever allusions. Vonnegut successfully portrayed his pessimistic views of our society, and opened the reader up to a completely new way of thinking in terms of human nature.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Analysis of Client/Consultant Interaction in the Case of Healix Consultancy Essay

Healix Risk Rating, the innovator of Healix Travel Black box – an anvanced tool in assessment of medical risk in travel insurance, is planning to launch the product into new market. As one of their appointed marketing consultancy team, we carried out the maket research and formulated a marketing plan for this project. During the implementation of the project, there are two main types of interaction involved that affects outcome of the project: intra-group interaction and client/consultant interaction, in which the later will be more focused. Based on my experience in this assignment, this reflective report is aimed to express my understanding of the applicability of learnt models and theories in client/consultant relationship as well as the limitations of the marketing consultancy service that we involves in. Key factors that determine a good consultancy project are not only the capability of consultants; financial capacity and readiness of clients; but also a strong collaboration from both sides and great emphasis on actual results instead of heavy focus on scope of work. Company description The Healix Travel Black Box offers the means for sellers of travel insurance to accurately and efficiently underwrite the increased risk associated to travellers with pre-existing medical conditions. The service is designed to be fully incorporated into the online sales processes and integrated into call centre sales processes, which allow customers to declare health conditions on the phone or online without making separate assessment with underwriters or waiting for doctors’ report. In other words, The Healix Travel Black Box provides a fully automated assessment and rating of medical risk which can be done in a couple of minutes. The Healix Travel Black Box has come as a global solution to travel insurance industry. The package is available to all regions where the public can directly buy travel incurance. The adoption of this technology is quickly spread across the globe, such as Australia, New Zealand , Canada, Denmark. And Healix Risk Rating in still on the way to seek new market for this advanced product. Summary of client/consultant process The situation in which our marketing consultancy came is when the company wants to efficiently market and launch the new product Black box into new travel insurance markets. This stage can be defined as Development stage – when client needs help at early stage of a new program. Early intervention of consultant show signs of consultee’s insightfulness and openness (Dewayne J. Kurpius, Dale A. Fuqua and Thaddeus Rozecki, 1993). Prior to the marketing plan, our team had to agree on a country of choice to market and sell the Black box. And then, we have to make a market research on that target market based on the following topics: (1) market value, (2) existing channels of distribution, (3) consumer buying behaviours, (4) average policy medical benefits and (5) how the handling of pre-existing medical conditions is currently dealt with. After obtaining the understanding of the target market, we worked out on problem identification, particularly the feasibility of the Black box launch in the country. Based on the market research, a outlined marketing plan was made prior to any detailed ones that were done later. As a marketing consultancy project done by a marketing consulting team, there are two main interaction factors during the implementation that influence the success of the project: intra-group interaction and client/consultant interaction. Intra-group interaction During the implementation, although our team had experienced many difficulties in order to obtain the relevant marketing information related to the topic, most team member is patient and very participative. We did have a clear plan to make the report in order to allocate the work to each member fairly. In order to make the job more efficiently, each member is encouraged to pick the piece(s) of work of his/her favour. Though the work of the some members is not as expected, however it is controlled promptly, thanks to regular meetings and good communication between team members. Client/Consultant interaction One of the shortcomings for us during the making of marketing plan for Healix is a lack of our understanding regarding the business situation, product development and financial capacity of the client. It is suggested that insuf? ient understanding of the client is key problem of most poor client-consulting relationships (Ford, 1985). Our limited knowledge regarding the product and business condition of Healix Risk Rating may expose us to risk of mis-identification of the real problem and consequently leading to an inapprorpiate marketing plan. On the other hand, ther is a lack of interaction from the client. The reflective practitioner model (Schon 1983) argues problems have to b e identified and solutions must be formulated in collaboration between client and consultant. During the knowledge transfer, the situation of the client should be clearly understood by the consultant, then the consultant will help the client reflect and understand the rationale for the client’s actions (Schon 1983 as cited in Nikolova, 2007). Clients then must work as reflective practitioners themselves. This reflective communication must be exchanged between client and consultant to facilitate expertise sharing. (Ibid p. 301). Schon views that Knowing-in-action implies that consultants would apply their knowledge gained from actiivities they have undertaken or situations they have experienced before. But for new and extremely sophisticated problems, the reflection-in-action is proper practice that consultant and clients need for the formulation of innovative solutions. In reflective practitioner model, the interaction between client and consultant is seen as a reflective communication. Schon views both consultants and clients as interdependent. Consequently, the relationship between client and consultant improves when expertise sharing and mutual understanding are focused. Client and consultant should closely collaborate during problem solving process to work the best out of their knowledge and experience. The relationship becomes equilibrated as knowledge and help are fairly exchanged. (Schon,1983) Furthermore, several models have been developed to gain valuable knowledge regarding how to improve cooperation between client and consultant. For example, the interpretive model established by Nikolova is to help clients and consultants to gain a better understanding of their interaction (Nikolova, 2007). Nikolova suggests that this model would be useful to explain the complexity of client-consultant relationship. This model emphasizes that clients have to be aware of the changing roles that consultants would play during the different phases of the project. This model was built based on prior generally accepted models: Expert model (O’Farrell and Moffat 1991 cited in Nikolova, 2007), critical model and reflective practitioner. It should make consultants and clients highly aware of undiscovered problems through their interactions during consultancy process. According to interpretative model, it is too simplistic to consider consultants as experts (expert model), impression managers (critical model), and reflective practitioners (reflective practitioner model). The play role of consultants depends on which context the they are in and which problems needed to be solved. For this matter of client/consultant relationship, McLachlin (1999) has several suggestions on some aspects that are necessary for a successful consulting project. Consultants must have strict discipline towards integrity in working for the best interest of clients . Besides, clients must also participate in the project and prepare a readiness to change. It is key that there are specific project requirements and expectations to be met. However, the Healix consulting project is more task-focused rather than based on expectations of the client. Schaffer (2002) also describes the â€Å"implementation gap†, which is the discrepancy between the client’s needed solution and the capability of the consultant to create that solution. He suggests that ? ve factors that most likely lead to â€Å"implementation gap† during consulting process: (1) consulting projects are de? ned and priced ased on the scope of work to be done by the consultants or the â€Å"product† delivered by the consultant, not in terms of speci? c results to be achieved; (2) project scope is focused mainly on the problem identification and solution recommendation with little consideration for the client’s capability and readiness to change; (3) the cons ultation aims for a radical solution rather than incremental value (4) The cooperation is more of a sharp division of responsibility between consultant and client rather than a solid collaboration from both sides; (5) instead of leveraged use, the consultancy make labor-intensive use of consultants. Conclusion As generally accepted, the way we as marketing consultants formulate the consulting process will affect the interaction and relationship between the consultant and client and consequently the outcome of the project. Based on multiple generally accepted empirical studies and models, it is suggested that consulting will produce good results if possessing the following success factors: Highly capable consultants; Great emphasis on client results/ satisfaction; Willingness from both sides for strong collaboration; Visible executive support; A solution adaptation that fits client capability and readiness; A full understanding of the client’s business environment. I understand that consulting approaches have to be customized based on out marketing expertise, thorough understanding of the client’s situation, intensive market research on the target market as well as an highly applicable marketing plan . Besides, the costs and benefits of client and consultant should be aligned by defining critical results with clear and measurable short-term goals. Therefore, we admit that our proposed marketing plan to Healix Risk Rating is very preminlinary and subjective due to the simplification of the scope of work and lack of interaction from the client.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Regional Differences in Spanish

Regional Differences in Spanish Spanish varies significantly from country to country - but the differences arent so extreme that if youre learning a Mexican variety of Spanish you need to worry about communicating in, for example, Spain or Argentina. Questions about the regional varieties of Spanish come up frequently from Spanish students. Many have heard so much about how the Spanish of Spain (or Argentina or Cuba or fill-in-the-blank) is different than what they learned  that theyre worried their months of study wont do them much good. While the comparison isnt completely accurate, the differences between the Spanish of Spain and the Spanish of Latin America are something like the differences between British English and American English. With a few exceptions - some local accents can be difficult for outsiders - people in Spain watch movies and TV shows from Latin America without subtitles, and vice versa. There are regional differences, more so in the spoken language than in writing, but they arent so extreme that you cant learn the differences as you need them. Also, while its easy to think of Latin American Spanish as one entity, as textbooks and lessons often treat treat it, you should note there are differences in the Spanish of various countries in the Western Hemisphere. Guatemalan Spanish isnt Chilean Spanish - but residents of those two countries and many others communicate all the time with little difficulty. If your pronunciation is reasonably good, whether your accent is Castilian or Mexican or Bolivian, you will be understood. You might want to avoid slang or extreme colloquialisms, but standard educated Spanish is understood anywhere in the Spanish-speaking world. Here, however, are some of the differences you may notice: Pronunciation Differences in Spanish One of the pronunciation differences most often mentioned is that many Spaniards often pronounce the z and the c before i or e like the th in thin, while many Latin Americans pronounce it the same as the s. Also, speakers in some areas (Argentina in particular) often pronounce the ll and y like the s in measure (this is sometimes called the zh sound). In some areas, you will hear speakers drop s sounds, so est sounds like et. In some areas, the j sounds like the ch in the Scottish loch (difficult for many native English speakers to master), while in others it sounds like the English h. In some areas, the l and the r at the end of a word sound alike. If you listen to a variety of spoken Spanish, youll notice other differences as well, particularly in the rhythm in which it is spoken. Regional Differences in Spanish Grammar Two of the biggest differences from country to country in grammar are the leà ­smo of Spain and the use of the pronoun vos in some areas instead of tà º (meaning you). Another major difference is that vosotros is usually used as the plural of tà º in Spain, while in Latin American ustedes is usually used. There are also numerous small differences, many involving colloquial usage. Although it may sound unusual to Spaniards to hear ustedes used where they are expecting vosotros, you not need fear not being understood. The Latin American form will be familiar to the Spaniard even though it may seem a bit foreign. Regional Differences in Spanish Vocabulary Other than slang, probably the biggest class of vocabulary differences youll come across is in the use of suffixes. A lpiz is a pencil or crayon everywhere, but a lapicero is a pencil holder in some areas, a mechanical pencil in others, and a ball-point pen in still others. There are also a fair number of blatant differences, such as a computer being un ordenador in Spain but una computadora in Latin America, but they are probably no more common than the British-American differences. Names of foods can also vary, and it isnt unusual in Latin America for the indigenous names of vegetables and fruits to have been adopted. Travelers should be aware that there are at least a dozen words, some of them of local usage only, for a bus. But the formal word autobà ºs is understood everywhere. Of course, every area also has its quirky words. For example, a Chinese restaurant in Chile or Peru is a chifa, but you wont run across that word in many other places. Regional Differences in Spanish Just as the English of Great Britain or South Africa isnt the English of the United States, so too is the Spanish of Spain different than the Spanish of Argentina or Cuba. While the differences in Spanish from country to country arent so great as to block communication, knowing them will make life easier in your travels. Key Takeaways: Regional Differences in Spanish The most significant regional differences in Spanish usage are those between Spain and Latin America.Within  Latin America, the most significant differences can be found in Argentina and some areas nearby, which use  vos instead of tà º.Although the names of some everyday objects vary  with region, the strongest differences can be found in names of foods and in slang. In general, the biggest divisions in Spanish are those between Spain and Latin America. But even within Spain or within the Americas youll find differences, especially if you go to more remote areas such as the Canary Islands or the Andean highlands. Here are the most significant differences you should be aware of: Ustedes vs. Vosotros The pronoun vosotros as the plural form of you is standard in Spain but is nearly nonexistent in Latin America. In other words, while you might use ustedes to speak with strangers in Spain and vosotros with close friends, in Latin America you would use ustedes in either situation. Latin Americans also do not use the corresponding conjugated verb forms such as the hacà ©is and hicistes forms of hacer. Tà º vs.  Vos The singular formal pronoun for you is usted everywhere, but the informal you can be tà º or vos. Tà º can be considered standard and is universally used in Spain and understood throughout Latin America. Vos replaces tà º in Argentina (also Paraguay and Uruguay) and can also be heard elsewhere in South America and in Central America. Outside of Argentina, its use is sometimes restricted to certain types of relationships (such as especially close friends) or to certain social classes. Preterite vs. Present Perfect Tenses Both the preterite and present perfect tenses are used to talk about past events. In most Latin American Spanish it is usual, as in English, to use the preterite to discuss something that happened recently: Esta tarde fuimos al hospital. (This afternoon we went to the hospital.) But in Spain the present perfect is often used: Esta tarde hemos ido al hospital. Pronunciation of Z and C The most noticeable difference in pronunciation of European Spanish and that of the Americas involves that of the z and that of the c when it comes before an e or i. In most of Spain it has the sound of the th in thin, while elsewhere it has the sound of the English s. Spains sound is sometimes incorrectly called a lisp. Pronunciation of Y and LL Traditionally, the y and ll represented different sounds, the y being much like the y of yellow and the ll being the zh sound, something the s of measure. However, today, most Spanish speakers, in a phenomenon known as yeà ­smo, make no distinction between y and ll. This occurs in Mexico, Central America, parts of Spain, and most of South America outside the northern Andes. (The opposite phenomenon, where the distinction remains, is known as lleà ­smo.) Where yeà ­smo occurs, the sound varies from the English y sound to the j of jack to the zh sound. In parts of Argentina it can also take on the sh sound. Pronunciation of S In standard Spanish, the s is pronounced much like that of English. However, in some areas, especially the Caribbean, through a process known as debucalizacià ³n, it often becomes so soft that is disappears or becomes similar to the English h sound. This is especially common at the end of syllables, so that  ¿Cà ³mo ests? sounds something like  ¿Cà ³mo et? Leà ­smo The standard pronoun for him as a direct object is lo. Thus the usual way to say I know him is Lo conozco. But in Spain it is very common, even sometimes preferred, to use le instead: Le conozco. Such use of le is known as leà ­smo. Spelling Differences The spelling of Spanish is remarkably standardized compared with that of English. One of very few words with acceptable regional variations is the word for Mexico, for which Mà ©xico is usually preferred. But in Spain it is often spelled Mà ©jico. It also isnt unusual for Spaniards to spell the U.S. state of Texas as Tejas rather than the standard Texas. Names of Fruits and Vegetables Names of fruits and vegetables can vary considerably with region, in some cases because of the use of indigenous words. Among those with multiple names are strawberries (fresas, frutillas), blueberries (arndanos, moras azules), cucumbers (pepinos, cohombros), potatoes (papas, patatas), and peas (guisantes, chà ­charos, arvejas). Juice can be  jugo or zumo. Other Vocabulary Differences Among the everyday objects that go by regional names are cars (coches, autos), computers (ordenadores, computadores, computadoras), buses (buses, camionetas, pullmans, colectivos, autobuses, and others), and jeans (jeans, vaqueros, bluyines, mahones). Common verbs that vary with region include those for driving (manejar, conducir) and parking (parquear, estacionar). Slang and Colloquialisms Every region has its own collection of slang words that are seldom heard elsewhere. For example, in some areas you might greet someone with  ¿Quà © onda? (similar in meaning to Whats happening?), while in other areas that might sound foreign or old-fashioned. There are also words that can have unexpected meanings in some areas; a notorious example is coger, a verb that is used routinely to refer to grabbing or taking in some areas but that in other areas has a strongly sexualized meaning.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Chemical Equilibrium in Chemical Reactions

Chemical Equilibrium in Chemical Reactions Chemical equilibrium is the condition which occurs when the concentration of reactants and products participating in a chemical reaction exhibit no net change over time. Chemical equilibrium may also be called a steady state reaction. This does not mean the chemical reaction has necessarily stopped occurring, but that the consumption and formation of substances have reached a balanced condition. The quantities of reactants and products have achieved a constant ratio, but they are almost never equal. There may be much more product or much more reactant. Dynamic Equilibrium Dynamic equilibrium occurs when the chemical reaction continues to proceed, but a number of products and reactants remain constant. This is one type of chemical equilibrium. Writing the Equilibrium Expression The equilibrium expression for a chemical reaction may be expressed in terms of the concentration of the products and reactants. Only chemical species in the aqueous and gaseous phases are included in the equilibrium expression because the concentrations of liquids and solids does not change. For the chemical reaction: jA kB → lC mD The equilibrium expression is K ([C]l[D]m) / ([A]j[B]k) K is the equilibrium constant[A], [B], [C], [D] etc. are the molar concentrations of A, B, C, D etc.j, k, l, m, etc. are coefficients in a balanced chemical equation Factors That Affect Chemical Equilibrium First, consider a factor that does not affect equilibrium: pure substances. If a pure liquid or solid is involved in equilibrium, it is considered to have an equilibrium constant of 1 and is excluded from the equilibrium constant. For example, except in highly concentrated solutions, pure water is considered to have an activity of 1. Another example is solid carbon, which may be form by the reaction of two carbom monoxide molecules to form carbon dioxide and carbon. Factors that do affect equilibrium include: Adding reactant or product or a change in concentration affects equilibrium. Adding reactant can drive equilibrium to the right in a chemical equation, where more product forms. Adding product can drive equilibrium to the left, as more reactant forms.Changing the temperature alters equilibrium. Increasing temperature always shifts chemical equilibrium in the direction of the endothermic reaction. Decreasing temperature always shifts equilibrium in the direction of the exothermic reaction.Changing the pressure affects equilibrium. For example, decreasing the volume of a gas system increases its pressure, which increases the concentration of both reactants and products. The net reaction will see to lower the concentration of gas molecules. Le Chateliers principle may be used to predict the shift in equilibrium resulting from applying a stress to the system. Le Chateliers principle states that a change to a system in equilibrium will cause a predictable shift in equilibrium to counteract the change.  For example, adding heat to a system favors the direction of the endothermic reaction because this will act to reduce the amount of heat.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

French Impersonal Expressions

French Impersonal Expressions Impersonal expressions are those which do not have a specific subject. In grammatical terms, impersonal does not mean cold, but rather invariable by grammatical person. There are a few things you need to know about French impersonal expressions: The French impersonal subject is either il or ce, whereas the English impersonal subject is it.All of the French impersonal expressions can begin with il est or cest with no difference in meaning; however, cest is less formal than il est. Therefore, cest is more common in spoken French, while il est is more common in written French. (Note: this applies to il  est and cest only in impersonal expressions; in other constructions, there is a difference: cest vs il est) There are essentially two different types of constructions with impersonal expressions - either they are followed by que and a subordinate clause, or they are followed by a preposition and infinitive. With Que When using il est or cest adjective followed by que, the verb in the subordinate clause may need to be in the indicative or subjunctive, depending on the meaning of the impersonal expression:Il est probable que David le fait / Cest probable que David le fait.Its probable that David is doing it.Il est possible que David le fasse / Cest possible que David le fasse.Its possible that David is doing it. Without Que In expressions with il est or cest adjective followed by a preposition and infinitive, the choice of preposition depends on the type of subject:a) When the impersonal subject is a dummy subject, you need the preposition de, and there are two possible constructions:impersonal expression de intransitive infinitiveIl est difficile de parler / Cest difficile de parler.Its hard to speak. (Speaking is hard)orimpersonal expression de transitive infinitive direct objectIl est important de dire la và ©rità © / Cest important de dire la và ©rità ©.Its important to tell the truth.b) When the impersonal subject is a real subject and the infinitive is used intransitively as a passive infinitive, you must use the preposition :Il est bon savoir / Cest bon savoir.Thats good to know.Il est difficile faire / Cest difficile faire.Thats hard to do. Learn the Most Common French Impersonal Expressions Many impersonal expressions require the subjunctive. To find out which ones, check  The Subjunctivator!Il est bizarre / Cest bizarreIts oddIl est  bon  / Cest  bonIts goodIl est certain / Cest certainIts certainIl est clair / Cest clairIts clear/obviousIl est convenable / Cest convenableIts proper/fittingIl est difficile / Cest difficileIts difficultIl est  dommage  / Cest  dommageIts too badIl est douteux / Cest douteuxIts doubtfulIl est essentiel / Cest essentielIts essentialIl est à ©tonnant / Cest à ©tonnantIts amazingIl est à ©trange / Cest à ©trangeIts strangeIl est à ©vident  / Cest à ©videntIts obviousIl est facile / Cest facileIts easyIl est faux / Cest fauxIts falseIl est heureux / Cest heureuxIts fortunateIl est honteux / Cest honteuxIts shamefulIl est important / Cest importantIts importantIl est impossible / Cest impossibleIts impossibleIl est improbable / Cest improbableIts improbableIl est indispensable  / Cest indispensableIts essentialIl est i njuste / Cest injusteIts unfairIl est inutile / Cest inutileIts uselessIl est  juste  / Cest  justeIts right/fairIl est naturel / Cest naturelIts naturalIl est nà ©cessaire / Cest nà ©cessaireIts necessaryIl est normal / Cest normalIts normalIl est obligatoire / Cest obligatoireIts necessaryIl est  peu  probable / Cest  peu  probableIts not likelyIl est possible / Cest possibleIts possibleIl est probable / Cest probableIts probableIl est rare / Cest rareIts rareIl est regrettable / Cest regrettableIts regrettableIl est sà »r / Cest sà »rIts sure/certainIl est surprenant / Cest surprenantIts surprisingIl est temps / Cest tempsIts timeIl est triste / Cest tristeIts sadIl est urgent / Cest urgentIts urgentIl est utile / Cest utileIts usefulIl est  vrai  / Cest  vraiIts true

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Based on Tesco Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Based on Tesco - Assignment Example A motivated workforce results in increased performance, thus an improvement of the firm’s profitability. Therefore, Tesco may motivate its staff by way of providing monetary rewards, non-financial rewards, training, and development. Training is of increasing significance of firms seeking to gain competitive advantage amongst the competitors. Various schools of thought have come to a conclusion that training and development is a human resource practice that may considerably influence the success of a company. Tesco’s growth could be improved by use of on the job-training, mentorship programs, coaching programs, use online marketing tools, and evaluating the effectiveness of the training and development programs. The other element that can affect the performance of a firm is reward. The provision of financial and non-financial rewards impact positively on the firm’s performance, financial gain, and employee motivation, and job satisfaction. Both the monetary incent ives and non-monetary benefits, such as work-life balance, flexible working hours, rewards and recognition, leave, and vacation time not only motivate employees, but also staff turnover. As a result, there is proportionate correlation between rewards, training, learning, and development, with firm performance and growth. The universal competition and rapid changes put emphasis on the significance of human capital within a firm. An organisation’s success depends on the performance of the employees. Employees are considered as essential resources in the growth and development of the firm. In this regard, the success and growth of an organisation in any industry is reliant on its human resources. Even though there are numerous factors that play a major role, a firm needs to have effective employees in order to stay competitive and financially solvent. Motivation and satisfaction are viewed as the core element in the development of human capital in any

Friday, October 18, 2019

Article Review and Reflection TopicHuman resouce Literature

Article and Reflection TopicHuman resouce - Literature review Example Research Questions or Hypotheses The research question holds a central position in a research paper. It addresses the idea, in brief, that the researcher explains in the course of his paper. Generally, the research question is stated specifically although sometimes, to address complex issues, multiple questions have to be mentioned. A common phenomenon observed among the Chinese enterprises is described by the phrase ‘lasting briefly, and growing with difficulty’. With the passage of time, the mindset of people has undergone changes along with economic development of the country. In the later part of the 1980s, the term ‘Private Economy’ emerged in China. The economic entities which are invested into by a non-government body or a private enterprise or individual and run by them are known as privately operated economy. They are based on private resources and do not embody the state capital. There are several small and medium enterprises that are emerging in t he country based on private investment. Such firms, although faring well in the initial phase, sometimes cannot grow further later on. It is quite difficult for any enterprise to hold on to its existence if it becomes stagnant. The hypothesis made in this paper is: whether the difficulties faced by the private enterprises is owing to the problem arising in the management of their human resources. Literature Review The literature review of a research paper provides guidance in the formation of a theoretical and conceptual framework required for the study. This builds the base on which the entire research work is founded. The literature review provides the backdrop for research work and shows further avenues for conducting research. In this current paper, the theory of small and medium private enterprises in China and their basis of management have been well established. Consequently, the authors have discussed the hurdles that these firms face, and the links between these problems an d their improper management structure. Conceptual Framework The conceptual framework pertaining to a research work is inclusive of three broad things: the problem to be addressed, the literature review and the purpose of research. Foreign companies operating in China had brought in the term ‘Human Resources’ into China. In simple words, the term refers to the workers that work in a certain organization and their capability to do productive work. They are an integral part of an enterprise since the development of a firm, both economically and socially, depends to a great extent on the human resources of the firm. The workers’ efforts can be categorized into two divisions: physical work and intellectual work. Not only does the quantity of production made by the workers put an upward thrust on the performance of the company in the market but is also largely dependent on the efficient management of the resources that would lead to a good quality of their performance. Human resources management, thus, plays a crucial role in any organization’s administration for it to remain healthy over time. By ‘effective human resources management’ one emphasizes the management of human resources in a reasonable and scientific way. A reasonable utilization of human resource

On Being A Music Therapist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

On Being A Music Therapist - Essay Example t; highly developed aural awareness; and the ability to make arrangements for unconventional combinations of instruments requiring variable or minimal levels of playing proficiency† ( A basic knowledge in â€Å"human psychological, physiological and emotional response to music, historical development of music therapy, detailed study of one music therapy approach, wide range of music therapy approaches and their theoretical bases, and the ability to compare contrast and critically evaluate clinical applications† are significant in the practice and application of the profession ( In becoming a professional MT, one must possess fine personal qualification and attitude such as: being responsible; good in written and oral communication skill; good interpersonal skill; â€Å"knowledgeable in professional and institutional code of ethics, experience in a multi-disciplinary team, sharing and accessing Bachelor degree in music therapy is necessary in acquiring the profession as a music therapist. United States of America is setting a standard in granting the board certificate to MT graduates. â€Å"A music therapist must complete 1200 hours of clinical training in addition to required coursework, research, and passing a nationally accredited certification exam† to be a Board-Certified or MT-BC ( The various cultures, practices, and lifestyles have an influence on physical, emotional, and mental aspects of a person. Dealing and living with our high-stressed, busy, and sophisticated technology-oriented environment subject us to sickness, depression, psychological illness and others. Thus, music therapy gives more opportunity in terms of employment and career because everyday more people are having those negative feelings that need to be treated. I have great interest in choosing this career since I have the potential skills in the field of music. I can play guitar and electronic organ and even compose my own songs.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Analysis of Irony and Coincidence in Suzhou River Essay

Analysis of Irony and Coincidence in Suzhou River - Essay Example Lou Ye departs drastically from other contemporaries of Beijing Film Academy, takes an abrupt swing from the downbeat realism that characterizes their works, and embarks on a mystical treatment of the theme. He employs irony and elements of coincidence in portraying the theme of love in a complex and obscure manner that makes the movie a mysterious enigma for the audience. The movie deals with the romance between Mardar and Moudan, as narrated by an unnamed videographer. Mardar, a motorcycle courier runs the errand of riding Moudan from her father’s residence to a relative’s place whenever the father wants to engage in his assignations. The girlish Moudan, young an adventurous, asks him to â€Å"drive like Schwarzenegger.† (Ye, Lou). The couple falls in love but tragedy strikes in their lives in the form of Mardar’s betrayal of her. Mardar is associated with the criminal underworld and is forced to kidnap Moudan on the instructions of the gang he belongs to, in order to extract money from her father. Moudan learns about Mardar’s deceit, and heartbroken, she jumps into Suzhou River and disappears. Mardar is arrested for complicity in the incident and sentenced to imprisonment. When he returns he meets Meimei, a look-alike of Moudan, who works as a night club performer, dressed up as a mermaid. Mardar believes she is M oudan, and wants to seduce her. The videographer who is obsessed with Moudan tries to drive Mardar out of town. Tragedy strikes again when the couple gets consumed the metaphorical river. The mystic play of love and obsession between Mardar and Moudan, and the videographer and Meimei, between Meimei and Mardar, further underline the complexity of love, makes it impossible for the viewer to exactly know whether Meimei is actually Moudan’s reincarnation or just Mardar’s illusion or whether Moudan’s story is real or just a fictitious one. Lou Ye uses irony to good effect in alluding to the complexity of

Rhetorical and cultural analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Rhetorical and cultural analysis - Essay Example Rhetoric and cultural/critical analysis will emphasize on the study of culture, public discourse and texts, and its analysis processes of the influence to the society in multiple media, including essays, books, mass-mediated, speeches and online public discourse. Different authors in multiple media use texts, videos, films, images and other sets of objects in media in order to express and bring out a message that will be interpreted differently with regard to culture. Context One message that has incorporated several sets of objects was the campaign advert of Ron Paul in 2012 when he was campaigning for GOP nomination. He made use of visual aid to pass on a message that would boost his polls in the presidential election. The visual aid made use of texts and video to create an impression in the minds of people. This advert was run on national television in the different media companies. Running the advert using television media achieved a lot compared to media’s like newspaper that many do not read in depth but are interested in the overview of the message. Using television to convey the message meant that the message would capture a large audience. In America, 98% of the households own a television set hence airing the advert would lead to lots of views (McDonough). Compared to the number of people who read text in newspaper the use of video was best suited to deliver the message. In America the people who read the printed newspaper are estimated to be at 23%. Main aim of using media is to pass on information and thus there is need to choose the best method (PewResearchCenter). The presidential aspirant also made use of newspaper to pass on his message in the campaign but the video is what created impact in the rise of his poll. The text and video are connected in that they both are being used to convey a similar message. Rhetoric Analysis The rhetoric devices identifiable in the set of objects used in the television and newspaper was the use of Enumerat ion. Ron Paul makes a details summary of the troops in the Middle East and gives a vivid description of the kind of lifestyle in the Middle East with the presence of foreign troops in the land. This vividness helps great a clear picture in the mind of the viewer. He has also made use of metaphors where he tries to compare the situation in the Middle East with the hypothetical situation in Texas. The metaphor is seen where foreign troops have come and positioned themselves in Texas and he says that the same situation in the Middle East. He has also used allusion to make reference of the promise made by President Obama during campaigns that he would get the troops of America out of the Middle East but he has not done that hence he has not kept his promise and thus he should not be chosen (O’Donnell). These are the noticeable rhetorical devices you will find in the video. There was also amplification or the use of the word revolution. His campaign was based on revolution and fre edom rhetoric to capture the audience through their patriotism. The similarity between the video and the text is that they are conveying the same message using the same rhetoric devices. The video and the text however have very different impacts to the society that the message is intended for. The Video was aired in

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Analysis of Irony and Coincidence in Suzhou River Essay

Analysis of Irony and Coincidence in Suzhou River - Essay Example Lou Ye departs drastically from other contemporaries of Beijing Film Academy, takes an abrupt swing from the downbeat realism that characterizes their works, and embarks on a mystical treatment of the theme. He employs irony and elements of coincidence in portraying the theme of love in a complex and obscure manner that makes the movie a mysterious enigma for the audience. The movie deals with the romance between Mardar and Moudan, as narrated by an unnamed videographer. Mardar, a motorcycle courier runs the errand of riding Moudan from her father’s residence to a relative’s place whenever the father wants to engage in his assignations. The girlish Moudan, young an adventurous, asks him to â€Å"drive like Schwarzenegger.† (Ye, Lou). The couple falls in love but tragedy strikes in their lives in the form of Mardar’s betrayal of her. Mardar is associated with the criminal underworld and is forced to kidnap Moudan on the instructions of the gang he belongs to, in order to extract money from her father. Moudan learns about Mardar’s deceit, and heartbroken, she jumps into Suzhou River and disappears. Mardar is arrested for complicity in the incident and sentenced to imprisonment. When he returns he meets Meimei, a look-alike of Moudan, who works as a night club performer, dressed up as a mermaid. Mardar believes she is M oudan, and wants to seduce her. The videographer who is obsessed with Moudan tries to drive Mardar out of town. Tragedy strikes again when the couple gets consumed the metaphorical river. The mystic play of love and obsession between Mardar and Moudan, and the videographer and Meimei, between Meimei and Mardar, further underline the complexity of love, makes it impossible for the viewer to exactly know whether Meimei is actually Moudan’s reincarnation or just Mardar’s illusion or whether Moudan’s story is real or just a fictitious one. Lou Ye uses irony to good effect in alluding to the complexity of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Financial and Banking System of Chile Research Paper

Financial and Banking System of Chile - Research Paper Example The economy of Chile is affected and influenced by slowdown in the economy across the world. The government was conscious due to the economic slowdown and the decrease in the GDP of the country therefore in order to stabilize the economy the Central bank of Chile have decided to adopt various monetary measures for reducing the rate of interest to around 0.5%. The current account surpluses which was experienced by Chile in the previous years have disappeared and during the period of 2009. The yield that is derived from the Central bank has fallen significantly and therefore the spread of the Chile sovereign have increased remarkably. The central bank of Chile is an institution that determines or identifies the exchange and the monetary rate policies. When the rate of GDP has fallen more than 6% due to the failure of the banks and in order to minimize the problems or the constraint of the financial structure of the country, the financial services of Chile is supervised and regulated by different forms of institutions in respect to the type of financial services. The direct influence of the global financial crisis on Chile in case of the conservative regulation has lead to the banking crisis in the year 1980.the banking crisis has lead to the generation of low international financial level and lower level of integration and the financial market. The economic slowdown has affected the financial and banking structure of Chile and particularly in the areas of credit cards and also retail lending. The present monetary rules and regulations of Chile on the basis of the recommendation of the Basel III regulation reflect the capital ratio of the banking system of the countries.

Implementing Immunizations Essay Example for Free

Implementing Immunizations Essay Implementing Immunizations Implementing immunizations into the clinics can be challenging for the facility and the staff. There are several methods that have been implemented to monitor the methods used by the staff to give the immunizations to the patients in the clinics. There have been several obstacles and challenges that the staff and leaders have faced. As with any changes that take place in patient care within an organization methods must be set up to monitor those changes. Changes promote challenges not just to staff leaders but the organization as a whole. Communication with any changes can be challenging for the leadership and staff (Surdu, 2010). Methods to Monitor Change In implementing changes there needs to be methods to monitor those changes. The first method is to monitor the reimbursement value units per visit associated with the immunizations. The need to monitor the increase of visits, the percentage of increase of the reimbursement value units now that the immunizations that are given in in the clinic since they are ordered immunizations ordered directly by the physician and not given on protocol (Surdu, 2010). Another method to monitor the change of implementation is to survey the patients to see how they have responded to immunizations being given directly in the clinic. This can be done in a survey form either via email or sent in the mail so patients can voice their opinion on the changes that have been implemented (Helfrich, Blevins, Smith, 2011). The leaders in the clinic can sit down with the staff to get their opinion and suggestions on how the changes of giving immunizations in the clinic are affecting their time management with patients. This can be very helpful to  leaders in adjusting the change that have been implemented because no change should never be set in stone. The input of the staff can be crucial when monitoring changes that have been implemented to determine whether they are successful or not (Helfrich, Blevins, Smith, 2011). The final method used to monitor that immunizations are properly being implemented in the clinic setting are going to be chart audits by the leadership. This will be used to ensure that the proper immunizations are given to the patients and that patient care is not being compromised (Helfrich, Blevins, Smith, 2011). Of all of the monitoring methods mentioned above the main issue is patient care. The â€Å"Patient Medical Center Home Model† consists of modeling the care around the patient. Ensuring that patient care is at the forefront of the facility, monitoring the changes is one way to ensure that this takes place. The quality control standards of the â€Å"Patient Medical Center Home Model† consist of upper management performing quality control chart checks on a monthly basis. These chart audits are done to ensure that the standards are being met which are determined by the Department of the Army. This is one of the main differences that a military treatment facility is held to as a standard versus a civilian facility. Therefore this can be seen to some as has bureaucratic red tape in some instances, whereas in others it does have its advantages (Marshall, Doperak, Milner, 2011). Organizational Relationship The relationship between organizations process systems and professional roles on a staff can be essential to the success of an implemented change. The Department of the Army has specific protocols when implementing changes such as implementing immunizations into the clinic setting. Organizational process systems will provide how changes will be implemented in the facility. In the facility changes come from Western region then trickle down from the Command or another words upper management. The changes are then implemented throughout the clinics in the facility. The responsibility falls on the clinic officer in charge to implement the changes throughout each clinic (Marshall, Doperak, Milner, 2011). In a military treatment  facility changes are implemented differently than in the private sector. In the organization upper management solely consists of military personnel while leadership within the clinic is a mixture of military and civilian personnel. The process of changes is not set in stone but guidelines are set forth from Western region. The actual written standard operating procedure for the facility is implemented and brought to the forefront by upper management. Then upper management delegates the implementation down to the clinic officer in charge for actual rollouts into each clinic (Marshall, Doperak, Milner, 2011). The roles of the leadership in the clinics are essential to the success or unsuccessful implementation of change. The attitude of the leadership carries weight on how well the rest of the staff receives the change. Leaders on the clinic level have to accept changes whether good or bad and expect staff to challenge them. Leaders have to be strong and accept the change themselves and to support upper management. There are problems dealing with changes when issues arise between created civilian and military personnel. These issues are not easily dealt with and when changes are ensuing within a facility this causes undue stress within the organization. This is one reason that leadership needs to bring forth and implement changes within an organization as all one team because staff is well suited at picking up any rift within the management team (Marshall, Doperak, Milner, 2011). Communication Techniques Communication techniques are one of the mainstays in addressing any issues when implementing changes in any organizational plan. There are several ways in an organizational plan change that communication can take place such as talking directly to leadership on the front lines who deal with the change or all the way up the chain dealing with upper management. Without communication problems with the changes that have been implemented will not be resolved and the changes will not be successful (Marshak. Grant, 2011). One communication technique that can be used is that leadership can address staff that seems to have issues with the changes that have been implemented. They can speak to staff on an individual basis using a closed-door setting to try to alleviate any issues that are affecting any of the employees work.  Employees may feel more comfortable speaking with a member of the leadership team on a one-on-one basis to voice their concerns with the change. Sometimes most of the issues dealing with an employee that have issues with changes that have been implemented, the staff member has questions or does not understand why the change has been made. This issue is best addressed in a one on one sit down conversation with the employee in a closed-door situation (Marshak. Grant, 2011). Another communication technique used to address any implementation issues with the changes can be providing specific emails to a particular person. By addressing issues to one particular person within the organization instead of problems associated with the change can be addressed centrally and immediately if necessary. If issues cannot be handled by this one person than the contact person can go to their resources and take care of the issue or issues at hand. Emails are the preferred method of communication unlike phone calls at a military treatment facility. Phone calls should only be used for emergencies, where there is an immediate response that is needed. In other words the majority of the issues dealing with the implementation of the changes that occur can be dealt with through emails. These issues are not needed to be dealt with in an immediate time frame and can be dealt with and a normal work week depending on the issue that have arisen (Marshak. Grant, 2011). Without proper communication, the need to communicate and how the communication is to take place the change implementation may well as not have ever taken place. Communication for a successful organization does need to take place in several forms; this is in the hands of a successful management and leadership (Borkowski, 2005). Conclusion In implementing changes there needs to be several methods to monitor how those changes are affecting the organization on the clinic level and as the organization as a whole. Many times staff along with the patients; both whom are giving input on the change in which the organization is trying to improve care on how the changes are taking place. The organization must be  willing to change its process in its systems whether or how management runs a certain part of their business develops a new process or because of a change implementation downsizes a facility. In order for the change to be successfully implemented communication is essential for this to take place. There are many techniques that organizations can use to accomplish this task. The communication technique will depend on the change implemented and the structure of the organization. Staff leaders whether at the clinic level or upper management are still the main key whether the organizational plan that has been set forth if the changes that have been implemented will be successful. Reference Borkowski, N. (2005). Organizational behavior in health care. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database Helfrich, C., Blevins, D., Smith, J. (2011, July). Predicting Implementation From Organizational Readiness for Change: A Study Protocol. Implementation Science , 6(76). Marshak., R., Grant, D. (2011, Sep). Creating Change by Changing the Conversation. OD Practitioner, 43(3), 2 7. Marshall, R., Doperak, M., Milner, M. (2011, Nov). Patient-Centered Medical Home: An Emerging Primary Care Model and the Military Health System. Military Medicine, 176(11), 1253 1259. Surdu, G. (2010, Winter). Organizational Change- Different A. Romanian Economic and Business Review, 5(4), 48-54.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Ethical Dilemma Of Stem Cell Research Philosophy Essay

Ethical Dilemma Of Stem Cell Research Philosophy Essay Stem cell the new frontier of medical break through poses an important ethical dilemma for humanity do we support the destruction of embryos to further science or do we support the protection of embryos. We are faced with a critical decision to protect embryos from being a part of a science experiment or do we think that it is ethical to kill a few embryos in the name of science. I will discuss the pros and cons of stem cell research. I will discuss the positive outcomes associated with stem cell research from a medical aspect and the negative outcomes from a biological aspect. I will also argue for stem cell research and against stem cell research. The argument for stem cell research is medically motivated providing for potential cures to debilitating diseases. I consider stem cell the future of medicine by replicating cells and replenishing old cells we would then prolong human beings lives. The argument for science promoting the possibility of future cures and eradication of diseases is a compelling argument in itself. There are those that argue that embryonic stem cell research holds great promise for understanding and curing diabetes, Parkinsons disease, and spinal cord injury. Opponents argue that the research is unethical, because deriving the stem cells destroys the blastocyst, an unimplanted human embryo at the sixth to eight day of development. The moral question we are faced with is the unimplanted human embryo a human being or just a cell. They are those in the religious community that have moral belief that the embryo is a human being and by destroying the embryos in research is the equivalent of killing a child. Th e notion that by destroying an embryo during research is the equivalent to killing a child is a ridiculous conclusion.                We can compare the embryo to the skin cells that are alive on our bodies. When we shed these skin cells everyday during showers are we killing millions of potentially children by taking a shower. The belief that an embryo in such an early stage of development is considered a human being with out being implanted in the uterus does not pose a very strong argument in my opinion. The fact that this cell is never going to materialize into a human being and will never grow outside of an etri dish is enough evidence to allow stem cell research to continue.             The claim an embryo outside of the uterus is a human is up for serious debate between those for and against stem cell research. Our beliefs may be deeply rooted in religion and our religion determines how we view stem cell research. Some may compare destroying an embryo to killing a child because of their religious beliefs. We all have our beliefs, that belief may be for stem cell research to further science or to limit stem cell research due to our religious convictions. We must put aside our religious convictions in order to further science research into finding cures for debilitating diseases. In order to further any science research we must sacrifice someone or something to reach our goal. We could have not found cures to diseases or create vaccines without having subjects to test these theories on.             The fact that an embryo is used in these research procedures has made such a political and moral controversy a hot topic is no surprise. We have debated this issue because it is claimed that the embryo is morally equivalent to a person, a fully developed human being. Those that hold the view that the embryo is a human compare extracting the blastocyst is as morally abhorrent as harvesting organs from a baby to save other peoples lives. There are some that believe a human embryo is a human being just like you and me, and it deserves the same respect that our laws give to all of us. There are those that believe that an embryo is a human being and embryonic stem cell is immoral because it amounts to killing a person to treat other peoples diseases. Some base their belief on religious convictions that the soul enters the body at the moment of conception.             While others defend there belief without religion by reasoning that human beings are not things. That their lives must not be sacrificed against their will even for the sake of good ends like saving other peoples lives. I agree that we are not things to be used for research and not considered to be humans, but in the same sense a cell is not a human until it grows in to a viable human being. The real question here is do we consider a cell to be a viable at such an early stage in development our religious beliefs may teach us a cell gets a soul upon conception. The idea that at the moment of conception the soul enters the body does not make the cell a viable human being and therefore this cell should not be considered to be a human being. The Pros and Cons of Stem Cell Research             The pros of stem cell research are unlimited potential for possible cures to diseases such as Alzheimers disease, Parkinsons disease, diabetes, stroke, bone diseases, and screening drugs for pharmaceutical companies, instead of using animals to test drugs. The use of the stem cells to reproduce organ tissue and replenish cells has shown great promise for eliminating diseases for mankind. The possibilities of stem cell therapy are endless from cloning to reproducing spinal cord tissue. The use of stem cells to replicate human tissue and organs will help to prolong lives of human beings and possible slow down the aging process by replacing our cells.             The cons of stem cell research are the use of stem cells and the ethical issues associated with using embryos to harvest cells for research. Another disadvantage of stem cell research is the idea that we as humans are on the verge of playing God by creating life. There are also issues with the stem cells having mutating and causing more harm than good. The research has shown possibility of the cells being cancerous in some cases and not growing into the desired organs. The destruction of life is most distinct disadvantage associated with stem cell research. Positive and Negative Outcomes of Stem Cell Research             The positive outcomes of stem cell research are endless possibilities of curing a wide range of diseases processes and prolonging human life. The use of stem cells has been proven to replenish muscle and organ tissue in humans. Research has shown that the use of stem cells to treat Parkinsons and Alzheimers disease has significantly increased the functionality of the affected patient. Other patients have had success in replacing heart tissue from heart attacks and cancer patients now live symptom free from cancer.             The negative aspect of stem cell research has been linked to how the cells are obtained and the morals issues surrounding them. Another negative outcome of the research is the cells often grow out of control into tumors and immune system sometimes rejects the cells. The use of the embryo to harvest the stem cells poses the most negative outcome of all with the belief that the embryos are human being and harvesting the cells destroys the cell therefore killing a human being. Conclusion             Stem cell the new frontier of medical break through poses an important ethical dilemma for humanity do we support the destruction of embryos to further science or do we support the protection of embryos. The protection of the embryo from being destroyed for the advancement of science will ultimately put humanity at a loss by protecting a cell from destruction. The destruction of that same cell has the possibility of curing diseases and prolonging humanity for generations. We are ultimately stuck with the decision do we take a life in order to prolong future generations lifes by promoting science over humanity in order to further mankind. References A Kuflik (2008). The future like ours argument and human embryonic stem cell research.  Journal of Medical Ethics,  34(6),  417.   Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Research Library  database. (Document ID:  1490151201). Bernard Lo,   Arnold Kriegstein,   Deborah Grady.  (2008). Clinical trials in stem cell transplantation: guidelines for scientific and ethical review.  Clinical Trials,  5(5),  517-22.   Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Research Library  database. (Document ID:  1563539701). Britain: Playing God; Religion and politics.  (2008,  March). The Economist,  386(8573),  40.   Retrieved November 18, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global  database. (Document ID:  1454200351). Guido de Wert,   Christine Mummery.  (2003). Human embryonic stem cells: research, ethics and policy.  Human Reproduction,  18(4),  672-82.   Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Research Library  database. (Document ID:  345544781). Ida M Jones (2007). PROPERTY LAW, PERSONHOOD AND ETHICS: STEM CELL RESEARCH ITS IMPACT ON PROPERTY LAW.  Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues,  10(1),  19-30.   Retrieved November 18, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global  database. (Document ID:  1301953641). Insoo Hyun (2008). Stem Cells from Skin Cells: The Ethical Questions.  The Hastings Center Report,  38(1),  20-2.   Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Research Library  database. (Document ID:  1431314801). R DiSilvestro (2008). A qualified endorsement of embryonic stem cell research, based on two widely shared beliefs about the brain-diseased patients such research might benefit.  Journal of Medical Ethics,  34(7),  563.   Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Research Library  database. (Document ID:  1504043861). Robert Streiffer (2005). At the Edge of Humanity: Human Stem Cells, Chimeras, and Moral Status.  Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal,  15(4),  347-70.   Retrieved November 18, 2008, from ABI/INFORM Global  database. (Document ID:  950255831). S Camporesi (2008). Reproductive cloning in humans and therapeutic cloning in primates: is the ethical debate catching up with the recent scientific advances?  Journal of Medical Ethics,  34(9),  15.   Retrieved November 18, 2008, from Research Library  database. (Document ID:  1551813891). ( Ethics of Human Cloning and Stem Research. Retrieved November 14, 2008. Ethical concerns of using stem cells for medical treatments In the modern world there have been many diseases, illnesses and epidemics that have been avoided due to the development of technology. One of the most recent successful developments have involved the research into stem cells. Stem cells are cells which can specialize into many different types of cells, they are known as totipotent cells. Scientists have found that it is possible to harvest organs, such as, livers, hearts, and lungs. Or remake dead cells which have been deceased from various illnesses, such as dead brain cells, that could be re-grown and cure diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons. Some people may see this is a good thing as it could help many unfortunate people who have genuine diseases. But many people have raised ethical concerns about the research procedure involved. The procedure involves an embryos nucleus being taken out and replaced by the nucleus of the cells which need to be reproduced. This process is known as nuclear transfer. A very famous experiment conducted via nuclear transfer was the birth of Dolly the sheep; a mammary cell nucleus was taken and added to the embryo, which was then added to the uterus of a ewe and then in February 1997, Dollys mother gave birth. The cloning was successful but some people say she died at an early age because she was cloned, whilst others argue that she died because she was affected by the retrovirus JSRV. This is very common in sheep and causes many of them to die. Some people argue that using embryos is very unethical, as it involves tampering with Gods creations. Many people believe that embryos are human beings that also have rights and do not deserve to be killed or employed for medical reasons. Some people also argue that people may go too far with cloning, which may result in evil doings. Dr. Piete who is a member of the European Parliament stated, The cloning of embryos would be like a bursting damà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Once human embryos are cloned and used for the breeding of organs, there would immediately be attempts to go further. It is understandable why some people are afraid that along with a lot of help there may be risks of corruption. People may use the advances in stem cells to clone armies. Religions play a huge part in stem cell research. Most of them believe that killing or using an embryo is wrong because it means that a life is being taken. During a coalition of 11 religious leaders, it was concluded that, There is widespread agreement that the huge philosophical and ethical implications of these development have not been considered fully. The law protects an embryo/zygote after it has lived for 24 weeks. This law was introduced in 1990 and was known as the Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 1990. This is known as the final abortion date; you can not have an abortion after the 24th week. This is roughly half the life of the baby in the womb of the mother. Although people argue that there are bad sides to stem cells research, there are many people who believe that the benefits outweigh the detri ments. One must hold consideration for all the sufferers of; diabetes, Alzheimers, heart disease, Parkinsons, brain disease, as they are waiting for a cure and right now the only cure seems to be research into stem cells which can help many sufferers fight the disease and beat it. At the moment diabetes is a huge problem in England. Diabetes is associated with obesity, which is a current problem that could soon lead to a global epidemic. Obese people can now have the chance to fight diabetes with advances in stem cells research. A representative of the Parkinsons Research Interest Group states Those who oppose this development need to show good reason why people with chronic illnesses should be denied advances in medical treatments that would substantially improve their quality of life. This agrees with the idea that people who suffer from fatal diseases have the chance to live a healthy and normal life. As for the people who believe that embryos have the right to live and that we should no t use them for research into preventing diseases, I believe this is a matter of preferences. How can people put the feelings of a few embryos higher than the treatment of people with diseased lives? This is totally inhumane and is a crime against humanity. The embryos dont feel a thing when they are being used for research but a human feels a lot of physical and emotional pain when it is going through these fatal illnesses. I personally think that millions of humans have a higher priority than that of a few cells. Lord Hunt who is the junior Health Minister states, The embryo has a special status, and we owe a measure of respect to the embryo. But we also owe a measure of respect to the millions of people living with these devastating illnesses and the millions who have yet to show signs of them. This explains my views exactly and Professor Julia Polak who is the Director of the Tissue Engineering Centre in Hammersmith hospital London also says I may feel sorry about two or three ce lls but I also care about the millions of cells that are a human person. We should consider this matter logically and ethically. Fair enoughà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ the embryos deserve respect but one has to question whether their rights overcome the rights of the millions of sufferers out there in the world. Therefore, in conclusion, I believe that stem cell research should be carried out, but the security precautions that are to be implemented, should be handled appropriately and also the governments of the world should not allow the research to fall in the wrong hands. Stem Cell Research: Beneficial or Detrimental? The use of stem cell research has helped to make many progressions in the medical field and has helped save many peoples lives by treating and curing many diseases and other illnesses.    If scientists continue to research the uses of stem cells, it could prove to improve life for all human beings.    However,    the end result of researching stem cells could be beneficial or detrimental to our society.    While research on cord and adult stem cells could show to improve life for those who are in medical need, embryonic stem cell research requires a life to be taken so therefore should not be supported.    What are stem cells?    Stem cells can also be distinguished as differentiated cells.    They are primal cells found in all multi-cellular organisms.    They maintain the capability to renew themselves through mitotic cell division, and they have the ability to grow into almost any type of cell.#    That is why they are so useful.    Dead cells of almost any kind,    regardless of what type of injury or disease, can be replaced with new healthy cells thanks to the remarkable flexibility of stem cells.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   So if the use of stem cells is such a breakthrough in the medical field, why should anyone be against it?    The answer lies in where they come from.    There are three main sources for acquiring stem cells:    cord cells, embryonic cells, and adult cells. Cord cells are cells that can be taken from the umbilical cord at birth and can be stored and later on used as a type of insurance policy for the newborn for use in the future.    Cord cells can also be used by close relatives such as the mother, father, siblings, or other people of close relationship.    However, the more distant the relationship, the more likely it is that the cells will be rejected by the persons immune system and it will not work. Next, there are the adult stem cells.    Research on adult stem cells has been around the longest and has proven to be the most useful and successful of the different types of stem cells.    Adult stem cells are attained from living bone marrow, blood, body fat, brain tissue, and skin.    In order to be distinguished as an adult stem cell, the cell has to have these two properties: 1) The ability to divide and create another cell similar to itself 2) The ability to divide and create a cell even more distinguished than itself. Although these stem cells are called adult stem cells, they can also be found in children. The use of adult stem cells has helped to save many peoples lives in the past and is still being proven to have therapeutic effects in cancer treatments, autoimmune diseases, leukemia, and heart disease today.    Every year more and more of United States government funding is being provided for cord and adult stem cell research due to its many successes. The last type of stem cells are the embryonic stem cells.    Embryonic stem cells are derived from human embryos.    In order to harvest embryonic stem cells, an embryo must be destroyed.    The reason why scientists are so interested in embryonic stem cells is because these cells can develop into each of the more than 200 cell types of the adult body when given sufficient and necessary stimulation for a specific cell type.    However, after twenty years of research, there are still no approved treatments or human trials using embryonic stem cells. This means that they have the combined abilities of unlimited expansion and pluripotency, so because of this, embryonic stem cells remain a theoretically potential source for regenerative medicine and tissue replacement after injury or disease. What the Bible Says The Bible speaks concerning matters of stem cell research.    In the Bible, there were many healers and physicians, and even Jesus healed some of the sick, wounded and diseased.      And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease among the people. And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with diverse diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them. Matthew 4 : 23-24 Therefore, many would see no reason to believe that research on cord or adult stem cells is wrong and would believe it is a legitimate field of study, well within the will of God.    Many also believe that it is Gods will for us as children of God to try and help those in need, just as Jesus Christ did when he came to earth; so it would only be right for us to continue studying and researching the many uses and benefits that can be discovered using cord and adult stem cells.    However, while the use of cord cells and adult stem cells do not require the destruction of a human life in order to be obtained, embryonic stem cells do.    The biblical teaching is that human existence begins at conception. You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mothers womb.    I will praise You for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.    My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.    Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed.    And in Your book they are all written, the days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them. Psalm 139 : 13-16 The word of the Lord came to me thus:    Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, Before you were born I dedicated you, A prophet to the nations I appointed you. Jeremiah 1: 4-5 Since nothing has been accomplished with the use of embryonic stem cells, its potential still remains untested.    Even after twenty years of research, there are no approved treatments or human trials using embryonic stem cells.    However,    embryonic stem cells hold the most potential out of the three types of stem cells because you can get up to 150 cells from just one embryonic stem cell line; where you can get only a small number of the adult or cord cells.    Their tendency to produce tumors and malignant carcinomas, cause transplant rejection, and form the wrong kinds of cells are just a few of    the problems that embryonic stem cell researchers still face and are trying to overcome.    Many nations currently have a suspension or a ban on either embryonic stem cell research or the production of new embryonic stem cell lines.    Another reason why embryonic stem cell research is wrong is because in order to start a new embryonic stem cell line, therapeutic cloni ng may be required.             The Government and Stem Cell Research The fact that this type of research is wrong has not gone unnoticed by the United States government.    Steps have been taken to help stop embryonic stem cell research (although adult stem cell and cord cell research is widely supported).    In 1995, President Bill Clinton signed into law the Dickey Amendment which prohibited all federal funding for research that resulted in the destruction of an embryo regardless of the source of that embryo.    In the past 7 years, President George W. Bush has enacted numerous laws that restrict federally-funded stem cell research on embryonic stem cells to the already derived cell lines.    Then, on July 19, 2006, he vetoed H.R. 810 (Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act), a bill that would have reversed the Clinton-era law which made it illegal for federal money to be used for research where stem cells are derived from the destruction of a human embryo.#    Although the government prohibits federal and public funding of embryonic stem cell research, private funding is still legal.    On February 16, 2007, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine became the biggest financial backer of embryonic stem cell research in the U.S. when they awarded nearly $45 million in research grants. Currently, if the United States decides to vote a Democrat into office, they will most likely be a supporter of stem cell research embryonic stem cell research included.    However, if a Republican gets voted into office, such as McCain or Huckabee, they would be against embryonic stem cell research but would still support the research of the possibilities of adult stem cells and cord cells. The Future of Stem Cell Research Researchers and physicians are working to design stem cell therapies that are more effective and reduce the invasiveness and the risk to patients.    Todays stem cell therapies usually rely on cells that are denoted by another person; this raises the possibility of donor cell rejection by the patients immune system.    In the future, it may be possible for a person to use a sample of his or her own stem cells to regenerate tissue, which would reduce or even eliminate the danger of rejection.    The only problem with this is that in order to use a sample of ones own stem cells, the process of cloning would have to be endorsed.    There are a couple of verses in the Bible that speak against this.    Know that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves. Psalm 100:3 Thus says the LORD who made you and formed you from the womb, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ I have formed you, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, I, the LORD, am the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by Myself and spreading out the earth all alone. Isaiah 44:2, 21, 24 As you can see from these verses, the Bible states two main things that relates to cloning: 1) Life begins early in the womb. 2) God forms life.    Because we are Gods creation and because we are created in His image (according to Genesis 1:26), life is precious.    Much of the desire in the scientific community is to create clones for spare parts, to use their stem cells, organs, and so on.    Although it sounds like cloning these things would be more beneficial than not, cloning even the smallest of parts would be devaluing natural human life.    On the surface, the possibilities of stem cell therapies seem limitless.    Would it be possible to use stem cell technologies to replace any diseased or damaged tissue in the body?    To answer this question, researchers must figure out the true potential and limitations of stem cells.    Researchers are asking themselves many questions, such as how long will a stem cell therapy last and can we ensure that stem cell therapies will not form tumors in the body.    There are so many things we can do with stem cells that the opportunities to improve human life seem infinite. Stem cells have helped us in ways such as reversing cancer, developing cures for diabetes, replacing damaged organs and nerves, and much more.    Stem cells today are being used to treat diseases such as leukemia.    Stem cell transplant procedures also show promise for treating neurological disorders such as Parkinsons disease. In 2001, nearly 80,000 people needed organ transplants, fewer than 24,000 got them, and 6,000 died waiting. Of those receiving organs, 40 percent die within the first three years after surgery.#    If we continue to fund stem cell research, being able to obtain an organ to save ones life would be much easier.    For example, say a person is in need of a pancreas; just place your order, and three weeks later a new one lies ready and waiting in the surgical suite.    Heart failure? No worries a few injections with multipotent stem cells will grow new cardiac tissue.    It is statistics like these that draw us into the idea of stem cell research. In conclusion, one must really look at the facts to truly understand the true potential stem cell research holds for us for the future.    One must use his own judgement to decide for himself whether he supports stem cell research or whether he believes it is immoral or unethical based on his own opinions and beliefs.   

Saturday, October 12, 2019

This Life Time Has 42048000 Minutes :: essays research papers

Listen up soldiers, we have a crisis on our hands. A silent army has been built up over hundreds of years and is the most deadly enemy we have ever had to face. This enemy you people have known since the day you were brought into this world. You are face to face with this enemy every day, unknowing that every step you take, every move you make, and every decision you face is contributing somehow to this army’s strength. In case you haven’t noticed yet, ladies and gentlemen, this enemy is ourselves. Slowly and surely we are destroying animals, ourselves and most importantly the only planet we have, Earth. You have probably all heard this speech a thousand times before, and well if this has to be the 1001 before we get off our lazy, self-destructing asses and do something to fix it, so be it! I admit I’m no better than the rest of you at the simple things in everyday life that are destroying this planet, but the whole issue pisses me off. Our whole existence revolves around money, and our personal benefit. We have forgotten how to do things for others, how to help the planet and, in turn, how to benefit the species. The fact is simple people, we’re killing ourselves. Many, however, don’t notice it. They believe what they’re doing is either beneficial, or that they are too small to do anything about it. Well most of them are right, most of us fall under some sort of higher power, which means that the root of the problems are mainly the governments. Don’t think that this is leading into one of those x-filesy, conspiracy theory type lectures, however if you’d like to call it that, I wont be one to judge. I do believe the governments know how to prevent and stop much of the problems in our world today. For example, it’s a widely known fact that we have the technology to use water instead of gas for cars, but the government wont allow production because they get money off gas, and to them it’s more important than a clean environment, more important than contaminating the water, or killing off animals because of the pollution even when the money they ge t from the gas ends up being put back into trying to control these problems anyway. And who was the guy who thought that burning fossil fuels would be a good source of energy anyway?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Muscular System: Muscle Metabolism

1. List the three roles of ATP in muscle contraction:1. Energize the power stroke of the myosin cross bridge.2. Disconnecting the myosin head from the binding site on actin at the conclusion of a power stroke.3. Energizing the calcium ion pump.2. The potential energy in ATP is released when the terminal high-energy bond is broken by a process called hydrolysis. Write the end products of this process: ATP (+ H2O) ( ADP 3. Rebuilding ADP into ATP with a new source of energy is carried out by a process called dehydration synthesis. Write the equation for this process: ADP ( ATP (+ H2O) 4. List the three processes used to synthesize additional ATP when ATP supplies are low:1. Hydrolysis of creatine phosphate2. Glycolysis3. The Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation5. An immediate source of energy is creatine phosphate (CP), but the supplies are limited and rapidly depleted. One molecule of CP produces one ATP. 6. Glucose is a major source of energy for synthesizing ATP. List the two sources of glucose:1. Glucose enters the muscle cell directly from the blood.2. Glucose is produced by hydrolysis of glycogen stored in the muscle cell.7. Glycolysis is the process that breaks down glucose. Name two products of the breakdown of glucose:1. Two ATP molecules2. Pyruvic acid If oxygen is not available, pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid, which is the end product of anaerobic respiration.8. If oxygen is available, the process is known as ___aerobic_ respiration. Name two sources of oxygen:1. Oxygen enters the muscle cell directly from the blood.2. Oxygen is stored in myoglobin, an oxygen-binding protein.The aerobic pathway consists of glycolysis + krebs cycle + oxidative phosphorylation. The net result of one glucose molecule is 36 ATP. 9. The process of restoring depleted energy reserves after exercise is called repaying the oxygen debt. Name four processes that occur during this time:1. Lactic acid is converted back to pyruvic acid, which enters the Krebs cycle, producing ATP.2. This ATP is used to rephosphorylate creatine into creatine phosphate.3. Glycogen is synthesized from glucose molecules.4. Additional oxygen re-builds to myoglobin.10. Put the following characteristics under the correct fiber type in the table below: Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylationuses glycolysis fatigue rapidlyhigh endurance few capillariesmany capillaries much myoglobinlittle myoglobin long-distance runnersprinter Krebs cycle and oxidative phosphorylation uses glycolysis fatigue rapidly high endurance few capillaries many capillaries much myoglobin little myoglobin long-distance runner sprinter light in color, large diameter red in color, small diameter. Â